Sunday, February 22, 2009

Building a Book Shelf 101

1. Lay out all the parts so that the letters on them can be seen.
2. Go and ask the neighbor boys for a screwdriver and if you smile nicely they might come build it for you.
3. Bake the neighbor boys cookies for their hard work.
4. Be a top model and show off the newest piece of furniture in the apartment.


Jenn and Brandon said...

You know, I've always felt like I was missing an important part of building a bookshelf. Now that I know the top model part, I'm running right out to buy a bookshelf tonight!

Georgana Hall said...

Aww such nice neighbor boys.

Rebecca Leigh Hall said...

Very Very nice. Emily is looking GOOD!

Krista Payne said...

You got those boys wrapped around your fingers! America's next top models are to be found. I think Mexico will be a blast for ya.