Sunday, August 3, 2008

Adventure in Bear Lake

On July 31st Emily and I went to Bear Lake for the day to just relax and have fun. We layed in the sun, played in the water, built a sand castle, and read our books. CeCille told Emily before we left to grab the Ensign and read it while we were there, Em grabbed it without really looking and then when we got to the lake we noticed that the Ensign was on being "Single and Steadfast" and it included tips on how to become well not single. We began to wonder what Mother Hall was trying to tell us.

Playing Wii

A couple of Saturdays ago Amanda, Vanessa, Emily and I went to Jan and Alyson's to play their new Wii. Emily arrogantly dominated in tennis, Vanessa won bowling, Amanda tried her hardest and Ihad a victory in boxing. Overall we got a good workout and had lots of fun!

Baby Benson

Benson has to now wear a helmet so that his head can be shaped properly. So my dad found a hard hat to wear so that Benson wouldn't feel left out. His reasoning was that people cut their hair for when others have cancer so he was going to wear a helmet with Benson.