Monday, July 28, 2008

Ahoy to Sailing!

On Saturday night my friends and I decided to go sailing at Bear Lake on one of my friends dad's dang nice boat, when we started it was about 8 pm and came off the lake about 11. We jumped in and the water felt so nice but it was kind of freaky cause the water was do dark and I was afraid the bear lake monster, or a tiny fish, was going to come up and rub against my leg so I would quickly swim to get back on the boat.

My friend Kenzi and I after jumping in.

We are so excited to go sailing!

So I wasn't planning on jumping in but then it looked so fun but I didn't have a swimming suit so I wore three t-shirts and a paid of my friends swim shorts and I was a top model for sure!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hanna 2008!!

After we got to the top of Mount Baldie Roy got really thirsty but we didn't have anything to drink but being the boy scout that he is he found a cactus, cut it open to drink it's milk but there wasn't any.

We love to play card games!

The Rock throwing competition.

While we were floating down the river my brothers decided to gang up on me and get me all wet and then Eric decided that he needed to join me on MY tube.....lame.

The Parental Units with Benson and Daxton.

On our way to Hanna the girl car stopped at Park City and shopped. We found some awesome sales, including our matching $3 shorts.

Melissa, Boston, Me, Kevin and Eric roasting marshmallows.
Benson decided to throw up the orange juice that we gave him so he got a early morning bath in the kitchen sink.