Friday, November 20, 2009

22nd Year

This past Wednesday was my birthday and I turned 22. When I went into work, my co-workers had decorated my desk and had bought me a cake!
Later that night some of my friends took me out to one of my favorite restaurants....Bluebird.
My friends Shanna and Lane gave me 22 goldfish.
After dinner my cute room mates threw me a little birthday bash. It was go great and so many of my friends came over to wish me a happy birthday and to eat cake and ice cream!

After everyone had left the party Shalese, Brooke, Derek, Jack, Jordan and I opened the last container of cold stone ice cream and downed it in about 3 minutes while playing was so yummy.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

CWC Reunion

One of my best friends, Katie St. John, (who was my setter in Wyoming) plays for Carroll College in Helena Montana. On Thursday night she was in Salt Lake playing Westminster. So myself and some of our other team mates got together to go to the game. It was so much fun to be with all of the girls again!

Halloween Fun!

Halloween this year was kind of a low key event. I hung out in Lewiston for a little bit and went around with Boston and Daxton to the trunk or treat. Then I went with a group of friends to Texas roadhouse and then back to my apartment for a little Halloween Party!