Saturday, October 23, 2010

Donut Day!

Yesterday was the famous Donut Day at the Hall Household! My fantastic mom made doubled the batch and Grandma Hall reported that we made 189 donuts and about 60 donut holes.
We made maple and glazed donuts....they were delicious.
Here is the master mind...isn't she great.
Here are the "helper". I iced the maple donuts, Lyndie handled the glazed donuts, Becca artfully placed the donuts on the plates and Grandma Hall counted the donuts and supervised the entire operation. It was a wonderful afternoon!!!


Honeybee said...

I'm glad Grandma was there to keep an eye on the "hole" {get it, donut holes-haha!} operation! I love that she counted them all. p.s. I need the recipe, please since I'm out of the delivery zone ;)

Juje said...

Yum. I want some of those!

Rebecca Leigh Hall said...

So glad I got to be a part of it. They were so yummy! I will take the day off of work next year so please let me know when it will be. :)