Saturday, April 10, 2010


So last week for Easter my mom and I got crazy and made fun easter egg cupcakes. They turned out so cute and were really fun to make. Too bad no one in our family really likes cupcakes so we gave most of them away....oh well.
A couple of weekends ago some friends and I made an emergency trip to Lava Hot great!
Lava with Lindsey Lawlor, Cyd Gunnel
Kenzie Lawlor and I on her 21st birthday....Holla!
Slurpee runs are the best!


Tarbet Times said...

I'm impressed with those cupcakes. Why didn't you bring any to us?

Honeybee said...

Cute cupcakes, I would have loved one! :)

Rebecca Leigh Hall said...

ummm.....I just built the BIGGEST wall ever. You had Easter cupcakes at you house when I was 5 minutes away and I didn't get one? Good bye forever.