Sunday, September 18, 2011

Top of Utah Marathon

One of the things on my "bucket list" has been to run a marathon. So after participating in Ragnar this year I decided that I shouldn't put it off any longer. So after some thought and some persuasion from my friend Jamie I signed up.
(Before the race, standing in a tent while it poured rain)
Even though it rained and hailed for about 10 of the 26.2 miles, I survived. I did really well until about mile 20 and then I started to get super tired and was wondering what the heck I was doing. But crossing that finish line in 4 hours, 40 minutes and 20 seconds made it all worth it.
Jamie and I after the race, we could barely stand but we had smiles on our faces.
My proud parents and I after the race.


Rebecca Leigh Hall said...

so proud of you and your face!

Honeybee said...

Way to go Lis! WOW, you are awesome- glad your Dad got dressed up for the event ;)