Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Last Week.

Well I have officially finished my student teaching. It seems so strange to me that I am finished with this experience and within the next couple of days I will be a graduate of Utah State. Anyway during the last few days at school I took pictures with each of my classes and my cooperating teacher.
This is group of girls was in my "advisory." They were a hoot and always said and did the funnest things.
On my last day my student, Meryl, showed up to school with this shirt on. The caption on the shirt read, "I love Ms. Hall." I tried turning her in for a dress code violation but it didn't work.

This is my cooperating teacher, Lynn Harris. She was amazing and I feel so lucky to have been able to learn from her.

This is a cake that one of my student's made for me. Isn't it awesome?

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