Monday, August 2, 2010

Cousins are Great!

Over the weekend I went down to Orem to spend some time with my fantastic cousins. On Friday night we went over to Jenn and Brandon's House and then we all went out to dinner! We went to a restaurant Johnny was D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S.
On Saturday Becca, Vanessa and I went and spent far too much money at IKEA, but we had a blast so it's fine....right?
It was such a great weekend and I had so much fun. Thanks Becca and Vanessa!


Jenn and Brandon said...

What did you get at IKEA? I love that store! Wish I could have gone with...thanks for a fun Friday night!

Rebecca Leigh Hall said...

We are pretty awesome....I'm just saying. Sorry my head is blocking Jenn in that first picture.

Honeybee said...

Looks like alot of FUN!! :)