Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weekend of Fun

This weekend was the definition of summer fun. On Friday we went "midnight four-wheeling" up Hyde Park canyon. The weather was warm and we rode up on top of one of the mountains to look over the valley and it was so pretty with all the lights.

On the next day, Saturday, Tiera, Casey, Ian and I went and floated down the Oneida Narrows, went out to dinner at the new restaurant Beehive Grill and finished off the night with an intense game of miniature golf. I LOVE summer!!

Harry Potter

I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan so when the sixth movie came out I bought some tickets so that a group of friends and I could go to the opening showing at midnight on Wednesday July 15. The movie of course was excellent and is my favorite Harry Potter movie thus far!!!!

My friends and I were going to dress up but because of time constraints we didn't. So instead I bought a bunch of the stickers that you wear at family reunions that say "Hi my name is...." and we put the names of the characters that we aspire to be. I of course was Hermonie for the reason that she hooks up with Ron!!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

H.P.'s Wedding

My best friend, Heather Petersen, got married on Thursday at the Logan Temple. It was such a beautiful day and she was a gorgeous bride!
We started off the morning just taken regular photos .....Me, Heather and Kenzie Lawlor

Then I decided to get things a little saucier and posed with the groom and his friends.
Jordan Woods, Derrick Mickelson, Dallin Maw and Me.

Then somehow I became the light reflector girl when the bride and groom had to take their pictures.

Then of course Kenzie and I just HAD to have a top model photo shoot of our own!
All in all it was a great day!!!